
Announcing Al-Dabbagh’s Omnipreneurship Awards Gallery

ADG is always on the look-out for the “Next Big Thing” and is a firm believer in the Omnipreneurial golden rule, “Collaborate to Accelerate”. Working with those outside of our Group companies allows us to gather different perspectives, fresh ideas, and innovative solutions to some of our challenges. This is where you come in. In the era of the Fourth Industrial Revolution we are seeking innovative and disruptive ideas and solutions for the areas we operate in: Food, Housing, Petroleum & Auto services, Packaging, Grocery Retail.

ADG and the Omnipreneurship Awards Gallery welcome any ideas or solutions you may be able to provide across these areas that not only create value, but that are sustainable and allow us to continue being a positive corporate global citizen.

View the ADG challenges on our gallery page:

Get in touch

NineSigma Europe BV

Koning Leopold I straat 3
B-3000 Leuven

+32 16 24 42 80
