
Prototype Your Decarbonisation Technology with Air Liquide

NineSigma ran two scientific challenges with Air Liquide in 2016 and 2019. These were incredibly successful. Air Liquide established 6 collaborations with 7 universities, together they have created 13 scientific publications, 18 patents and 1 new start up.

Following the success of the past editions of Air Liquide Scientific Challenge in 2016 and 2019, the Group is thrilled to announce the Air Liquide Scientific Challenge Edition 3,designed to find novel solutions to decarbonise industrial solutions.

There are 3 topics for this years challenge:

Topic 1: Data sharing for decarbonization: How to leverage confidential data from different stakeholders to meet shared sustainability targets?

Topic 2: Energy storage using Essential Small Molecules: How to store and reuse energy using our small molecules or processes to achieve net-zero?

Topic 3: Electric Heating for H2 production: How to decarbonize the catalytic Steam Methane Reforming reaction by electric-based heating?

Air Liquide wants to help 3 new collaborators develop their ideas and transform them into market-ready technologies.

Each team will be awarded a prize of €50,000 and will collaborate with Air Liquide for up to four years with funding up to €1 million for each collaboration.

Visit the challenge website to learn more

Proposals must be submitted online by the 10th March at 5pm Eastern Daily Time, USA.

About Air Liquide:  A world leader in gases, technologies and services for Industry and Health, Air Liquide present in 75 countries with approximately 66,400 employees and serves more than 3.8 million customers and patients. Oxygen, nitrogen and hydrogen are essential small molecules for life, matter and energy. Air Liquide develops solutions contributing to climate and the energy transition, particularly with hydrogen, and takes action to progress in areas of healthcare, digital and high technologies.

About NineSigma: A global leader in the innovation space with over 20 years of experience, NineSigma explore new scientific, technology and commercial space, build new ecosystems of partners, and discover new business opportunities. We accelerate innovation and a sustainable future by:

  •     Helping you understand the external environment and make strategic decisions
  •     Connecting you to new partners, start-ups, researchers, suppliers, manufacturers
  •     Discovering and testing new business ideas in B2B markets.

For more information, please reach out to

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NineSigma Europe BV

Koning Leopold I straat 3
B-3000 Leuven

+32 16 24 42 80
