
NineSigma is a company operating in the USA, Europe and Asia Pacific.

NineSigma Holdings, Inc. headquartered in Tokyo controls three fully owned companies, NineSigma North America, Inc., NineSigma Europe BVBA, and NineSigma Asia Pacific, Inc.


NineSigma Holdings, Inc.

Otemachi Uchikanda Building 5F
1-3-3 Uchikanda, Chiyoda-ku
Tokyo, Japan

Phone: +81 3 3219 2002
Fax: +81 3 3219 2008

President & CEO: Akihiko Suwa


NineSigma North America, Inc.

6100 Oak Tree Blvd., Suite 200
Independence, OH 44131

Phone: +1 (216) 295 4800

To schedule an introductory call with the appropriate regional NineSigma representative, please contact: contact@ninesigma.com.

For Solution Provider support, please contact: phd@ninesigma.com


NineSigma Europe BV

Koning Leopold I straat 3
B-3000 Leuven

Phone: +32 16 24 42 80
Fax: +32 16 24 42 89

To schedule an introductory call with the appropriate regional NineSigma representative, please contact Mrs. Diane Schepers (europe@ninesigma.com)

For Solution Provider support, please contact: phd@ninesigma.com

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