
NineSigma’s collection of white papers, articles and insights is created to educate and further the collective thinking on Open Innovation. In addition, the documents provide insights and findings from the innovation marketplace in general.

Collaboration Is Key to Any Innovation Strategy Today

In an era of digital business and rapid technology change, of market disruption coming from unexpected industries and geographies, no company can ignore the imperative to innovate faster. Failing to do so is an invitation to lose business and to put growth and their future at risk. We are not only talking about large Corporates but also about SMEs: collaboration is key for growth.

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Moving to the Circular Economy with Eco-Design & Open Innovation

“Eco-Design & Open Innovation” are strategic levers to take tangible actions and accelerate toward Circular Economy.

The circular economy demands different perspectives, fresh approaches and novel solutions. Many companies are realizing they do not have all the necessary capabilities in house. To meet the challenges of the circular economy companies are approaching innovation in a more agile way, developing new collaborations and managing new ecosystems of partners.

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